
Safety shoes strategic thinking and vision of the enterprise

Safety shoes strategic thinking and vision of the enterprise


 Safety shoes business owner if the lack of strategic thinking, employees and the organization if not contribute in the process of management, where the enterprise can have vitality.Based on this, the author thinks that: strategic thinking + contribution management = promotion enterprise's inevitable way.Strategic thinking must seize key factors, and also give consideration to the matching of the secondary process, and contribution to the business performance management is not just a business interests to achieve.
  Because of simple strategic design will only bring security risks or washout improved behavior, thinking innovation is relative, can lead to a peer imitation, some ideas will eventually enter the tradition or the traditional level, but safety shoes enterprises competition is absolute, as long as the business, competition is inevitable, strategic thinking is a kind of movement of thinking.

   Survival and development is the most fundamental purpose, bear the brunt of the power of the development of the enterprise is the profit, the other business owners and managers must under the changing environment safety shoes industry analysis under various influence factors on enterprise resource use contribution forecast.
 Safety shoes is light industrial products, operating cost advantages and industry characteristics of low technical content, make product strategy shoe companies think the owner of the first one of the key factors, but it's hard to many bosses from a strategic height to talk about business philosophy and corporate culture, I often hear shoe salesman said, "just to sell a few pairs of shoes marketing"!They think safety shoes business marketing is also very original very simple very basic, but can do this simple thing success is so not simple, and why?Since early years industry characteristics of low cost operation has produced many safety shoes enterprises in wenzhou boss no height of thinking, they just stay on the homogeneity of the low-level competition tactics.The author thinks that safety shoes enterprises in wenzhou should from the strategic height to use shoe industry marketing mix of related factors, gradually strengthen adapt themselves to the market and the ability to follow-up industry.

   Often hear the industry claims that now the safety shoes industry competition by one or two key factors alone is not successful, but the authors believe that comprehensive elements can compete more safety shoes the strength of the enterprise competitiveness is a fact, but strategic thinking must first grab a adapt to enterprise development of the key factors, coupled with other relatively minor each link to bake, interactive, balance, the industry leading position can be achieved, therefore, the formation of the so-called comprehensive capacity is just added other factors under the success key factors.
   Then talk about the contribution management, management guru drucker thinks, attaches great importance to the contribution is the key to effectiveness.He also believes that if an organization can only maintain today's view, today's merits and today's achievement, it will certainly lose resilience.

   Management without making contribution, it is an invalid operation, this time to chat a lot of enterprises "management" two words, really can make contribution to the management is definitely one of the few, why can appear such result?Surface reason seems to be the low efficiency of the enterprise, source conclusion or business owner myself, actually the boss is investment, is also the management risk ultimately bear, but business owners often treat interest equal contribution to fault, in fact enterprise contribution and corporate interests are two different concepts, enterprise contribution is organization, social creation for the enterprise benefit, is the realization of the interests of the whole enterprise, both for consumers and the contribution of channel members, also includes the contribution to the society, it is a kind of long-term behavior, only the return on investment behavior of individual and enterprise, including enterprise boss individual, shareholders share with relatives and friends, family members, and so on, to achieve the goal of interests is a short-term behavior.Contribution management is the extension of the strategic thinking, it is not out of the strategic thinking of an effective management process, it continues to show the source of power for enterprise, and enterprise enhance one of the elements of inevitable.
   In short, the competition in the industry transition stage, the strategic thinking + contribution management = safety shoes enterprises inevitable way to improve!Its significance lies in the emphasis on industry transition period of the enterprise itself must have a mindset of business.

