
The qinghai-tibet railway connects India Nepal one of modern silk road

The qinghai-tibet railway connects India Nepal one of modern silk road

"India today" published the article said that the completion of the qinghai-tibet railway running "greatly improved China's military maneuvers and logistical supply ability", "it can make the Chinese government is carrying 5 million tons of supplies to Tibet every year, can also transport up to 12 in a month The army infantry division ".There are media reports said the qinghai-tibet railway will greatly enhance the capacity of China's military invasion of India, to facilitate transportation medium-range missiles, such as China.India's famous observation research foundation, a think-tank an unnamed senior researcher, told reporters that the completion of the qinghai-tibet railway makes Tibet closer ties with mainland China, as a chain reaction is likely to be closer to China, Nepal and Bangladesh across south of mainland geopolitical strategy would have a profound influence on the situation.
For this, the China institute of contemporary international relations scholars Hu Shisheng pointed out that it should be noted that these comments are not official from India, China and India are committed to building the strategic relations between the two countries, this is the trend of The Times.In 5 days after the official opening of qinghai-tibet railway, the sino-indian border is a heap of border trade port will be officially opened, it is said to close bilateral relations between the two countries has the confidence, also can be seen as a sign of mutual trust between the two countries to strengthen.Interestingly, some of the country's media also put those accused of qinghai-tibet railway is the threat to India as "paranoid" new Delhi insomnia.


  Hu Shisheng, said the qinghai-tibet railway is the development of China's domestic problems to solve, is not directed against India.The railway's biggest beneficiaries of the Tibetan people, really care about the people of Tibet will celebrate for it.

    It is reported that India in the eastern border of solid centralization of seal will soon start to build 7 road, after considering the sino-indian border dispute between India, has been reluctant to mount these infrastructure projects.Hu Shisheng think, now, the Indian government is clearly aware that China's development will bring a lot of economic and trade opportunities for India, the Indian side need to grasp the opportunity to speed up infrastructure construction. 
    On the completion of the qinghai-tibet railway, Nepal from all walks of life made a positive and media coverage.Nepal's political power has been disputed, but to promote bilateral economic and trade relations, surprisingly consistent position and policy.The ruling Nepali congress standing committee, the former foreign secretary barstow told our reporter, the qinghai-tibet railway was formally opened for nepalese is also very important.At present, trade mainly through the designed road Lhasa to Kathmandu, including more than 100 kilometers in Nepal, there are 30 kilometers bad road conditions, one to the rainy season is more dangerous.

